Sunday, March 28, 2010

Warrenton/Round Top Antiques Fair, Part 2: The Loot

We found a lot of wonderful treasures on this trip!  Kari found so many cute things for her shop -- especially cute vintage hand towels and hankies, and a couple of antique redwork pillow covers that are to die for. I found a nice amount of antique lace, and I'm getting it into my shop as fast as I can.   But I also found a few things for me, which was fun.  I loved the bright retro graphics on these heavy linen towels shown above -- those strawberries!  Love 'em!  These are already washed and  hanging up in my kitchen.

And this fabric in the pic below -- I'm not sure if you can tell in the picture, but it is FLOCKED!!  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it exactly.... but I love it!

I found a vendor with lots of these little Victorian calling cards that I like so much.  I think I may have gone a wee bit overboard:

I found some pretty laces, though not as many as I hoped for (though I may be unrealistic in that regard -- I can never have too much!).  I also found some vintage flax toweling fabric (the lace is on top of it in the photo), that I'm thinking of stitching on for my next stitching project.

But the most exciting find of the day for me -- by far -- was the Alice in Wonderland fabric!!!  I have one small remnant piece of this fabric, and for about 2 years I've been looking for more, with no luck.  Well, I stumbled onto 3 big pieces of it in this one lady's tent, and I started jumping up and down and shouting, "The Alice in Wonderland fabric! The Alice in Wonderland fabric!"  Let's just say it did not put me in the best bargaining position.  But no matter, that fabric was coming home with me no matter what!!  I may part with some of it -- some small pieces may show up in my shop -- but I think most of it is staying right here to be made into pillows for the window seat/library area I want to make for my girls.

What fun!  We had such a great buying trip, we're thinking about driving back up there this week....


  1. Love all your treasures you found, especially the vintage lace! What fun!
    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog :) Connie

  2. I'm going Thursday! may have bought everything I wanted....

  3. Hi Linda! Have fun -- I'm sure there's LOTS left! We're plotting a return trip on Saturday, so leave some of the good stuff, please! :)


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