Tuesday, March 30, 2010

39 Squares: Square 30

Here's my latest square, a strawberry.  This darn thing drove me to distraction last night!  I had the most exciting idea for this square, but it did not pan out.   I have these wonderful antique beads left over from (long ago) when I bought a bunch of old beads for my wedding dress.  Some of these tiny old beads have a slightly silver sheen, and they were perfect -- PERFECT -- for the seeds on my strawberry.  Only one problem: I don't have a needle that is small enough to fit through the bead!!  Ugh!  I tried 4 different needles, and finally had to give up and resort to French knots.  I looks okay, I guess, but it wasn't the grand plan that I had in my head.  Well, you know what they say about best laid plans....   :)
On to the next square!


  1. It looks great. You must go get some beading needles!!! I seriously LOVE french knots, tho.

  2. I love the little pink strawberry. Very yummy.

  3. hi alison!

    am loving your blog, your posts, your SQUARES! i am now a follower; so glad you found me.


  4. I had the same problem with some beads the other week. In the end I put the thread through the fabric with the needle, took the needle off and popped the bead on and then re-threaded the needled and carried on stitching. Might be worth a go next time.


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