Saturday, March 20, 2010

Squares 18 - 20, and The Cutest Church I've Ever Seen

Here are my latest squares. I'm so happy to be caught up! Hooray! Now I need some new ideas....

Below are pictures of the cutest (and smallest) church I've ever seen. We stumbled onto this little gem while we were driving around Fort Stockton, Texas. We drove out to the site of the historic fort (which, truth be told, was not particularly exciting) and this little church was right next to it. I jumped out of the car to take pictures (I'm not sure the car was even fully stopped). This is an Episcopal Church that was built in the late 1800's. I love everything about it -- from the fantastic color blue, to the gingerbread trim (even on the cross!) to the stained glass windows, to its tiny size. My only regret was that it was locked and so we couldn't see the inside.


  1. I love that little blue church! I've never seen a church that color, but I love it. It reminds me of a little dollhouse!
    I'm lovin' your squares-- my fave is the one with the ric-rak!

  2. Thanks, Jill! I'd never seen a church that color either.... but I love it, too! Just a perfect blue.


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