Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stitching as Fast as I Can: 39 Squares, Squares 1 - 8

I'm way behind, since I got started on this project about a week and a half late. But I did 8 squares last night, so I'm catching up fast! I have to say, this was so fun I had trouble putting it down at bedtime. Though my stitching is pretty rudimentary, I'm thrilled that I now know how to do a French knot!

Some squares I like more than others (the mushroom looked cuter in my head than on the canvas), but overall I'm pretty pleased. My older daughter was captivated by this project -- now she wants to learn to stitch so that she can do her own! So, stay tuned; by next week there may be two different stitchers in this house.


  1. Wow! 8 squares in one night. Your squares are beautiful. I am also doing the stitchalong and learned the french knot for this project. What stitch did you use for your green and yellow flower square?

  2. Looks to me like you're zooming right along;) Beautiful work!

  3. You are moving fast! All of your squares look great and I like your little mushroom. I can't wait until my daughter wants to learn how to stitch!

  4. Kathy,
    the green & yellow flower square was a "cheat" square -- that is vintage trim that I stitched onto the canvas. Wish I knew how to make cool flowers like that!

    Thanks for the sweet comments, everyone! Makes me want to get back to my stitching!

  5. Your squares are beautiful. I especially like the heart with the rosebud in the center.


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