Thursday, March 25, 2010

Square 25: Hydrangeas

I was kind of excited about the idea for this square. I love hydrangeas, and I've tried repeatedly (without success) to grow them in my yard. Anyway, I'm not sure this turned out as I hoped it would -- it kind of just looks like blue blobs. Oh well, it was worth a try!


  1. It's beautiful! I love the way your sampler is turning out:)

  2. So pretty! I love hudrangeas too, I have about a half dozen of them. Oh, and it totally looks like a hydrangea too, I knew what they were as soon as I saw them in the Flickr pool. Not blue blobs, heehee!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Pretty good job. I would had done badly at this. One thing I can be sure is that I've learned not to prune my hydrangeas to soon. I have the blue, almost lapis color hydrangeas in the backyard for part shade/part sun type. You can find the full sun type in very light blues. I'll have to make a photo section of my yard to show you soon. For now, I best get more minutes to myself before the dogs start making whiny noises to go potty!

    Keep on keeping on!


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