Thursday, October 28, 2010

Down the Rabbit Hole

This past weekend we finally had my oldest daughter's birthday party.  I say "finally" because her birthday is in July.  We were supposed to have this party in early August, but that was in the middle of the whole water leak/demolished house debacle, so we had to push the party down the calendar.  She wanted an Alice in Wonderland theme, so I did my best to give her an Alice/Mad Hatter themed party.

We had loads of treats labeled "Eat Me" or "Drink Me":

Everyone got a crazy top hat when they arrived, and then went in the back yard to play croquet:

We had our tea party table set up under the magnolia tree:

The girls had tea sandwiches, fruit, and lots of sweets with their tea or apple juice (not too many takers on the tea!).  Then they played an Alice in Wonderland trivia game (with Alice in Wonderland books as the prizes).  Then we played a fun (but messy!) paint the roses red relay race game.  I had drawn a mural of roses on white paper that we taped up across the garage doors (it was a BIG mural). The girls divided into teams and did a relay race where each person had to run up to the mural and paint a rose red.  The girls loved it, but it was crazy and messy (so much so that I forgot to take pictures).

After that excitement, we opened presents, watched a few minutes of the Disney Alice in Wonderland movie, and then it was time to go!  The girls got an assortment of party favors, including keys and teapots that we made out of candy melts:

I think that it was a successful party.  There were so many things that I wanted to do, but didn't have time to do.  But in the end, my sweet (10 year old) baby was happy, and that's all that matters:


  1. I don't think you could have done another thing, it is darling! I guess good things come to those that wait. i have followed your whole house remodel. But never knew why.....Ah, a water leak!!!


  2. my jaw is dropped over this magical 'wonderland' of a party. every detail is beautiful and fun. your little "alice" must have been thrilled. it will be a party she always remembers.



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