Friday, April 9, 2010

Finished Sampler

All done!  Here's the finished sampler.  I'm so pleased with it, but I'm kinda sad that the project has ended.  I think I'm going to continue something like this on my own, because I enjoyed it so much.

Happy Friday!


  1. Your finished sampler turned out sooo pretty! I have a couple more squares to go! Maybe by the end of today I will have them done.

  2. Your sampler is wonderful! Mine was completed last night so I'll photograph it today. I love seeing how they're all turning out! ::Jill

  3. Wow that looks fab! Glad you are keeping it up :-)

  4. Your squares are beautiful - they are so pretty. Well done!


    P.S. I have just received my Etsy order from you (thank you!) and saw you had a blog - so here I am!


    beautiful work. i hope you do continue. (ooh, maybe embroider on some of the pretty things at your etsy shop? how pretty would that be?)

    happy weekend


  6. Hi Alison!
    I clicked on the pics to see it up closer. It's gorgeous!!! Love your colors and all the sweet notions you've added!
    I was a little sad when I finished mine too, so I decided to make a smaller one. I started by grabbing an old frame, figuring out how large to make the finished piece (there will be 15 squares) and starting stitching my favorites from my 39 squares. I'm hooked. At this rate, Hubby might find his work jacket covered with pink flowers. :)
    Thanks for popping over to visit me - and I hope you have a beauty-filled weekend!


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