Saturday, April 24, 2010

Estate Sale Finds

My rounds of the local estate sales have been pretty disappointing lately, but that changed this week!  I found some great linens at a couple of different sales. Most of these pretties are for Kari's linen shop, but the lace pieces will make their way to my Etsy shop once I've had time to clean them up a bit.  It's always fun to find new treasures!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sweet as Candy Treasury!

Some of my lace has been included in this fantastic treasury!  I had to share it with you, because I just love the color palette -- so sweet and candy inspired!  Big thanks to shelbyhealy for including me in her treasury.  She's got a lovely shop -- you should check it out!  And to see the treasury, you can click here.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stitching my Blessings

I was so excited when Amy announced another sampler stitching project!  This one is all about counting our blessings.  You can find out more, and join in, at Amy's new blog for the project: Counting my Blessings.  Amy encouraged us to set up our own dedicated blogs for this project.  I was a bit hesitant -- I have 2 blogs already (this one and a family blog) -- and not enough hours in the day as it is. But, I like the idea of a blog dedicated to stitching and blessings, so I did it!  You can find my new blog here, or there's a link on the sidebar ----->.
I waited until this morning to tell the hubs that I started a third blog.  :)  I think he's getting used to all this blogging stuff -- he barely reacted at all.
I hope you're having a happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Scenes from a Backyard

I thought I'd share a bit about what's happening today in my backyard.  First, I acquired a new gnome and new mushrooms today at Target. (Hurry -- drop the mouse, and run now to Target to get yourself some!  They were almost all gone at my Target.)  I stuck them in the pot with my orange tree.  I think they add a bit of whimsy to the patio!

These other fellows (from Target last year) are still hanging out in their spot under the magnolia tree.  Poor guys need a bath!

In addition to imaginary creatures and faux nature, we actually have some real nature going on as well!  The first tiny tomatoes are appearing:

and for several weeks we've been watching this bird's nest built by a couple of doves under the eaves of our covered patio.  We realized this week that the eggs had hatched -- and the baby birds are big!  Here's momma bird and one of the baby birds in the nest:

And here's the other baby bird, who was sitting on the brick wall when I got home from the store:

I was so startled to see him!  I kept saying to him, "Baby bird, get back in the nest!  What are you doing?" as if he could understand me.  Sure hope this little guy finds his way back home!  Ah, nature.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Sampler

Here's my new sampler project.  I'm stitching on vintage toweling fabric, which is kind of an adventure, because it is stretchy in a way that linen is not.  Still, I like the different look of it.  I was looking forward to doing a more "freestyle" sampler this time, but I find that I often come to a total standstill, because I'm not sure what/where to stitch next.  Having the 40 squares drawn out was definitely easier for me.   But this style allows me to use lots of trims and laces in different sizes, so I'm having fun with that.  We'll see how this continues to develop!

I made the pink tutu into a decorative sign, and it's in the shop now:

Now I'm off to do my volunteer duty in the school library.  I just love libraries! But that's a post for a different day.  Hope you have a great Tuesday!  :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Secret Garden Swap -- the Reveal

 The box that I sent to my Secret Garden Swap partner has arrived in Malaysia, so I can now show you what I sent her!  I decorated a paper mache box (painted off white first), and filled it with all sorts of treasures.  I found the picture of this girl with the flower pot, and decided to build my design around that.  So, the picture really drove the rest of the design.  I covered the box with coordinating papers and added a lace ruffle:

On top of the box, I added a piece of chipboard that to me, looked kind of like a garden fence.  I layered on more lace, flowers, some jewels, and lastly a key that I glittered:

I filled the box with lots of laces and trims (of course!) along with velvet flowers and leaves, one of the darling little match boxes I bought from Elyse at Tinkered Treasures, and some additional glittered keys:

I really loved making the glittered keys.  I think I may make a few more batches, and put some in the shop. :)

This was such a fun project, with a lovely theme!  Now I can't wait for my next swap!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Tutu, Revisited.

I missed that little pink tutu from my sampler, so last night I whipped up this one.  I'm not sure yet what I'll do with it.  I may turn it into a sign or tag and put it in the shop, or it may be a good "end of the year" present for Chloe's ballet teacher.  We'll see.

Tonight I think I'm going to start a free stitching project on some of the vintage toweling fabric that I bought in Warrenton.  I've been putting it off because I'm not sure what to start with, but maybe the thing is to just start with something.  So, we'll see if I can get to that.

I'm feeling really grateful today: my dad finally came home from the hospital after almost two weeks.  It's been a scary, stressful time, but I think that he is on the mend.  It's been a excellent reminder to me of how fleeting time can be with our loved ones, and how important it is to cherish every minute.

Hope you are having a lovely Spring day!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dresses Have Arrived!

Thanks to all of you who left such sweet, encouraging comments about my dress tag!  I was so excited about the feedback, that I made two more.  If you're interested in them, you can find them in the shop right now.  I'm planning to make more of these, but if you'd like one in a certain color or with a certain look, let me know, because I'm happy to do some as custom orders.  Hope you all have a happy Monday!  I'm off to buy more stitching supplies!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Stitching Project and a Question

 I loved the little pink tutu that I stitched/put together for one of my 39 squares.  Inspired by that, and by my obsession with frothy vintage dresses, I made this the other night.  I stitched the bodice, made the skirt and attached it, and then cut it out of the linen embroidery fabric.  I wasn't really sure what to do with it, so I covered a large chipboard tag with some of my favorite papers and then glued it on (and, of course, added some bling).  I kinda like it (if I do say so myself). 

But here is my question for you: Etsy shop or no?  Would someone buy a tag like this?  I'm just wondering, because I feel like making a bunch of these, but then what would I do with them?  Pondering....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Finished Sampler

All done!  Here's the finished sampler.  I'm so pleased with it, but I'm kinda sad that the project has ended.  I think I'm going to continue something like this on my own, because I enjoyed it so much.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shhhhhh! Secret Garden Swap Sneak Peek

I finished my Secret Garden swap project and it is in the mail!  I had a lot of fun with this project; the theme really captured my imagination.  I don't want to ruin the surprise for my swap partner, so these are a few tiny sneak peeks.  Once she receives her box, I'll reveal all.

I've got 2 squares left to go on my 39 Squares project (I'm doing 40 squares).  And, I think I've come up with a new stitching project for myself that I'm excited about.  More on that later.  So, here are a few more peeks:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Square 38

Here's my next square, which I stitched yesterday while sitting in a hospital waiting room. That's a story for another time, but I will say that it was calming to me to be able to stitch while I waited.

Meanwhile, my daughter Chloe is on fire with her stitching!  Last night she came up with this mixed media creation:

Today I'm mailing off my Secret Garden swap box to my swap partner -- all the way in Malaysia!  Stay tuned tomorrow for a few sneak peaks of that fun project.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Square 37, a Guest Artist, and an Ode to Cath Kidston

So here's my next square.  I was inspired by my favorite Spode Mayflower dishes.  I've really been enjoying this project so much, I'm sad that we're nearing the end!

Remember when I said that one of my daughters was really taken with my stitching?  Well, I gave both girls an embroidery starter kit for Easter, and here's what my older daughter came up with on her first try:

I think it's so cute and wonderful!  I can't wait to see what she does next!

Lastly, my Cath Kidston order has arrived!  I didn't have time today to artfully arrange and photograph everything, so excuse the photos, but here's my loot:

And here's the inside of the sewing basket -- darling!  I also ordered the cute Union Jack needlepoint pincushion.  Now I just need to get all my stitching stuff organized....

Monday, April 5, 2010

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Copyright 2008-2011. Photos, text and artwork are property of Alison Creed. All rights reserved. Content of this site may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission, but please feel free to link back to this blog. Thank you.

Black & White Petite Box Swap

Black & White Petite Box Swap

Counting My Blessings Stitchalong!

Paris Petite Box Swap

Paris Petite Box Swap

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