Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Christmas Decorations

Here's a little tour of my fireplace. It is a pastel and glitter wonderland! The glitter houses and bottle brush trees were products that we carried in the shop this year -- I was so excited about them and couldn't wait to use them at home. I layered in some of that fabulous tinsel garland from Target, as well as the wreath that I made to match. Very festive!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

There are so many things to be thankful for, it's hard for me to even express my gratitude this year. Suffice it so say that I am thankful for health and happiness -- both mine, and for the health and happiness of those I love. Wishing you all a delightful day full of blessings!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Groovy Pastel Christmas Wreath

Here's the wreath I told you about a few days ago -- I am so excited about it! It was super-easy to do! First, I started with a plain white styrofoam wreath form. I wrapped it with foil garland (it took almost 2 strands of garland to cover the whole form). I secured it with straight pins, but you could also use a glue gun if you prefer. Once it was wrapped, it looked like this:

Then I got out my trusty glue gun, and hot glued small balls to right onto the wreath. I took apart a ball garland to do this, because the size and color of the balls were perfect for my project. But you could also use vintage ornaments or really anything you like. I tried to space the colors evenly around the wreath. This part of the project actually went very quickly!

When finished, this wreath was very lightweight. I added a bow made from some yummy vintage pink velvet ribbon, and hung it above the fireplace. I like it so much, I'm thinking of making a much larger one for the foyer! Stay tuned for a tour of more holiday decorations!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Latest Obsession

I found this tinsel garland quite by accident one day recently at Target. I was pushing my cart through the Christmas aisles, and sadly, wasn't finding too much to get excited about. Then I saw it -- and it spoke to me! It's silvery, glittery, light as a feather, with a wonderfully retro vintage vibe -- I can't adequately describe it except to say that it's FABULOUS. I've been to two different Targets since then to get more. I've made a wreath with it (which I'll show you in a few days -- LOVE IT!), I've draped it over the fireplace, and I've got lots of other ideas. So, if this tinsel garland speaks to you, too, run out and get yourself some, before it's all gone. (If you live in my town, I might have already swiped it all.)
Happy (early) Holidays!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Get Ready for a Huge Sale!

I'm excited to announce that I've decided to join the Etsy Black Friday Weekend sale event! I'm going to offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed Friday, November 27 - Monday, November 30, 2009. To get details on other shops participating in this sale, check out the sale blog:
Happy Shopping!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sweet Angels and Reindeer Christmas Journal

A few weeks ago at an estate sale I found this darling children's magazine from the 1950's. It wasn't in very good condition, but the illustration on the cover was just so darling that I had to bring it home. I knew I wanted to do something with it, but couldn't stand to lose the original, so I made a color copy of the illustration onto cardstock, and voila! The idea for a new journal was born.

This time I chose a lined journal, instead of my usual watercolor paper journal. I decided to try something different, with the idea in mind that someone might want a more traditional journal instead of a journal intended for art journaling. I covered the front and back with yellow cardstock, and then added the vintage illustration (which I had already added glitter to because, well, I can't help myself with the glitter). Usually, I like to layer a lot of vintage papers and vintage laces on top of my journals, but with this one I decided to keep it simple because I didn't want to take away from the illustration. I added felt trim and some vintage lace to make a frame. Finally, I glued on a few vintage foil holly leaves (a find of Kari's from awhile back) and a little more sparkle.

A fun project that has already got me in the Christmas mood! I feel a Christmas crafting blitz coming on....

Oh, one last thing: Go Horned Frogs!!! Is that a BCS Bowl Game I smell???

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Lace Sneak Peeks!

I had one of those wonderful days yesterday, when I found some FABULOUS lace! Really, it's so great, I can't wait to get it into the shop. Here are a few peeks -- should be in the etsy shop by the end of the weekend:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Birthday Crown

Full disclosure here -- this post is really about how I've dropped the ball in a BIG way when it comes to my youngest daughter's birthday. She turns 6 tomorrow, which is very exciting, but for some reason this was not at all on the family radar until about 7 days ago. Usually, I've got the party planned and invitations in the mail weeks in advance, but this year, not so much.

As a result, her party won't be until early December, and I've been feeling a whopping dose of Mom guilt for dropping the ball. To try to make it up to her, we're having a special family dinner tomorrow on her birthday. She gets to pick the menu -- well, sort of. She announced the menu would be "Cake!" So we had to lay down a few menu ground rules. Anyway, partly to try to assuage my guilt, and partly because I thought it would be fun, I decided to make her a special birthday crown to wear during dinner. I love the way it turned out, and it was EASY!

Here are the basics: I cut out a crown shape on cardstock using my Cricut. I cut it as large as it would go -- which was about 8 inches. You could also just trace a crown shape or cut one free-hand. I added some strips of cardstock to the back just to firm it up a bit. Then I layered more papers, some tatting, fun shapes, attached velvet flowers with brads, added a few grand adhesive stickers, and ta da! A crown! I'm going to glue a ribbon to each side so that it can be tied together to stay on. Easy, and hopefully, a big hit with the little one!

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Showtime!

We had our first big show of the season last week at St. Martin's Joy of Giving Market. Here are a few pictures of our booth. I thought it looked super-cute, and in particular I loved the way our new glitter houses and trees looked along side our usual vintage goodies. It was a lot of work and a hectic week, but we had a great show!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Hazards of Decorating

Saturday was the big Carnival at the girls' school. The theme was space, which is a fun theme, and long ago I volunteered to help on the decorating committee. I actually played a pretty small role this year, and helped out another (VERY creative) gal in decorating the Bingo room -- also known as "the gym." We spent HOURS cutting out and hand glittering lots of stars. She cut out and painted a super rocket, and I spent an hour doing touch-up painting on it. Then we spent 3 hours on Friday taping up black paper to one wall of the gym and creating our space mural masterpiece, which you can see below:

Sadly, when I arrived at the gym early Saturday morning (pre-Carnival), this is what I saw:

Apparently, someone came in Friday night and taped a sponsor's banner on top of our mural. Not surprisingly, the weight pulled our mural off the wall. My crafty friend and I tried really hard not to cry, and with some help, were quickly able to fix the mural. So, all was well!

The weather was PERFECT here on Saturday, cool and dry, with a clear blue sky! We were so lucky. The girls had a great time at the Carnival. All of the decorations were so cute and clever. Here are some other examples:

A fun time was had by all!

Friday, October 16, 2009

We have a Winner!

Comment #2 is our lucky winner, so that means Peony, you've won this week's giveaway! Please send me a convo on etsy with your address, and I'll get this crafting kit in the mail to you.
TinyBear, since you were kind enough to be my first comment on my first giveaway, I'm going to send you a surprise as well! It won't be the same item as the giveaway, but hopefully some goodies that you can use. Please convo me on esty when you get a chance and give me your address. Thanks for commenting, and stay tuned for another fun giveaway soon!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day! Let's Have a Give-away!

It's Monday, it's Columbus day, and here in the tropics, it's misty and cool!! What a relief! I'm feeling like celebrating, so let's have a give-away! This give-away this week is this fun mini-crafting kit, which features 3 yards of seam binding (pink, white and green), and 3 vintage mercury glass picks -- two are small balls and one is a fabulous spray of silver mercury glass balls. Jump start your Christmas crafting with this cute kit!
To enter, just leave a comment below by the end of the day on Thursday, October 15, 2009. On Friday, October 16, I will pick a winner using a random number generator, and I'll announce the winner on the blog! So leave a comment and good luck!
****Also, I've started a mailing list, so if you're interested in receiving my newsletter, which will feature special discounts and sneak peeks, please sign up in the box over on the right. ----> ****

Monday, October 5, 2009

Treasure Hunting at Round Top Antiques Weekend

So, despite all the odds (bad weather, sick kids, sick Mommies, etc.) we powered through it and spent Friday roaming the fields in Warrenton. I didn't take as many pictures as I should have, but we were uber-focused, so I rarely stopped to think about pictures. It was a great day, with perfect weather! We found lots of treasures, and even discovered the weirdest item of the day. The first picture (above) is some of the linen treasures we found -- aprons, hankies, towels, so many fun things!

And, of course, lots of lace!

Scenes from the fields:

I found a new bluebonnet picture for my collection (us Texas gals LOVE our bluebonnet paintings!):

And how about this lunch? A HUGE chopped BBQ brisket sandwich, topped with onions, and a large iced tea on the side. YUM!

And finally, without further delay, here it is, our Weirdest Item of the Day: painted mannequins

Not sure what to say about that -- I'll have to let the picture speak for itself!

It was a great day -- can't wait for the spring show!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Of Sick Kids and Buying Trips

This week, my friend and business partner and all-around BFF Kari and I are planning to head up to Round Top for our twice-a-year buying trip. It's amazingly hard to get away for one whole day when you have kids, and this year it's even more complicated, given that both of my girls are sick. We're still hoping to make it happen, but in the meantime, I thought I would re-post from the spring, when we went on our April buying trip. Each time we go, we try to find the strangest item of the day -- I'm still haunted by the booth we stumbled onto last time. So, here for your viewing pleasure, a re-post from the archives. Hopefully, I'll be back soon with exciting new photos from this week's Round Top adventure! But who knows if it will top last April:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Round Top/Warrenton: Creepiest Item of the Day

Last weekend, Kari and I went on our spring buying trip to the fields of Warrenton. We had a great day, and actually brought home some nice finds. We always keep an eye out for "weirdest item of the day" -- and this year, there was no competition: the booth pictured above won hands down. It also won "creepiest item of the day," and "most inexplicable item of the day." I mean, severed doll heads on sticks? Really? Had Chloe been with me, she would've been scarred for life!
I snapped the pic and then we moved on, and quick. I didn't want the creepiness to rub off on me. Ick.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ooh La La! Vintage French Lace!

I got in a bunch of lace today -- it's all vintage French lace, and, even though you will think me crazy, it gives me heart palpitations! I'm THAT excited about it. Oh, it's fabulous. Appearing soon in the Etsy store!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Items in the Store!

I've been busy listing, and have so much more to do! But I wanted to give you a peek at some new items. First, I'm thrilled to have a bunch of vintage lace samples from a manufacturer in Switzerland. I'll be adding these to the store over the next couple of weeks. Second, I'm trying out my new crown punch on some of my vintage papers -- right now, crowns punched from the vintage thesaurus pages are in the store. Last, (but not least!) I decided to add a "large" lace goodie bag to the store, since the smaller bags have been a hit. These bags each have more than 7 yards of lace, plus a few small vintage surprises. Happy shopping!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lace Treasury

My lace goodie bags are currently featured in a neat vintage lace treasury! Here's the link:

Many thanks to for including me in her lovely treasury!
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