Back in April, the weather was balmy. In the morning, I would open every window in the house that was equipped with a screen, and let the wonderful cool spring air flow through the house. In the evening, the hubs and I would sit outside and drink wine and watch the kids play on the swing set.
This lovely scene persisted for so long this past spring that I was lulled into forgetting that I live in south Texas. I started thinking silly things like, "It's not that hot here!" and "Why have I complained about the weather before? I love the weather here!" and "Even California can't compete with this weather!"
Well, surely you see where this is headed.
It's not just hot here now -- it's scorching hot. Like WAY over 100 degrees hot. The patches of our grass that do not get shade or copious amounts of water are fried up to a crispy brown crisp. Wine on the patio? Ha! It's even too hot to let the kids swim in the pool. Hot, hot, hot.
So, for those of you who live in cooler climates, cheers to you! (Can we come visit?)
And for those of you who are suffering in the south, I say pass the iced tea, please.