Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lovely Floral Treasury

Check out all the lovely items in this treasury put together by southernladysvintage! All the items are by members of the cottage style street team. Here's the link to the treasury:
Go see these lovely items for yourself! Big thanks to southernladysvintage for including my altered art journal!

French Fashion Journal

Here's my latest altered art journal. I've never been much of a "stamper," but all of a sudden I really like the idea of stamping things onto some of my favorite vintage papers. I found this dress stamp, and I love it! So, this was my first try with the dress stamp. I think I love it!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


You may have noticed that I've been AWOL the last week or so. Well, I was lucky to be on vacation with my family in BEAUTIFUL Grayton Beach, Florida. The pic above is not altered or enhanced at all -- that is what the beach really looked like! I couldn't believe how blue the water was, and the powdery white sand.... my goodness. It was like being in the Caribbean, without having to travel to the Caribbean! So, if you are lucky and live in Florida (or, even if you live closer than the 11 hour drive that we had) you must go and take advantage of this glorious beach!
Now I'm home and back to the real world. Busy filling orders that were placed while I was gone; tomorrow will be a big trip to the post office! New stuff coming to the etsy and the ebay store soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Festive Christmas Papercrafting!

Here's another fun Christmas treasury! I'm so pleased that my vintage Bingo cards were included! Thanks,, for including me in your festive treasury! There are lots of cute things to see, so here's the link so you can go check out all of these great Christmas items!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think I'm in love....

Oh, goodness! How fab is this??? Cosmo Cricket revealed their new product lines today -- this is the Christmas line. I love, love, love it! Lately I've been very into non-traditional Christmas colors (even though my house decor for Christmas is largely traditonal red and green). Anyway, this line is so fun and pink! Can't wait to get my hands on it! For more sneak peeks of this line, as well as the other new lines from Cosmo Cricket, visit their website (there's a link over there ------> to the right).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Christmas in July!

Today's the kick-off for the Etsy Cottage Style Street Team's Christmas in July promotion! When you go to search on Etsy, just put in "cssteam" and "christmas in july" and you'll pull up all sorts of fabulous items!! I've added some great vintage Christmas linens, trims, Christmas paper punches, and even a Christmas altered art journal to my shop -- so get a jump on your Christmas shopping and take advantage of this neat event!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Perfect Pink Vintage Dress

Last week when I was out doing my estate sale rounds, I happened to notice this pink satin vintage dress. Normally, when I'm out shopping, I'm very focused, and I don't even look at vintage clothes. But this dress caught my eye. Pink, satin, lace appliques, sequins, tiny pink pearls -- and a huge train!!! I kept passing by it, thinking about it, but finally decided I was being silly and frivilous (because it's way too small to ever fit me, and I have nothing to use it for) and so I left it behind.
All night long, all I could think about was that dress! It was driving me crazy -- in hindsight, I couldn't believe that I left it behind. As it happens, the estate sale was right on the hubs' way to work. So the next morning, over coffee, I tried to explain why I urgently needed this dress, and why it was crucial that he stop on the way in to the office to get it.
"What are you going to do with this dress?" he asked, ever so reasonably.
"Hang it up in my office."
Well, it's just another measure of how lucky a girl I am that he did go straight there, found the dress, negotiated the price down a tad, and bought it for me. What a guy!
So now it hangs in my office, in all its sparkly pink satin loveliness. Frivilous, yes, but it makes me smile everytime I see it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Pretty Cottage Treasury

Here's another lovely treasury for you all to go enjoy:
The soft grays and pinks in this treasury are so soothing and lovely! I particularly love the apothecary jars, and the extremely cool wreath made from vintage papers.

Great job,! And thanks for including my Dreaming of Paris journal!

Musical Notes

It's Thursday, and around here that means it's treasure-hunting day! I was out early to do my estate-sales rounds. It was hit-or-miss -- no lace today (always a bummer), but I did find a few neat things to get excited about. The most exciting find was this vintage music game -- full of cards with all sorts of fabulous music graphics. I think these have all sorts of fun crafting possibilities! I'm keeping some for my stash, and some will go in the etsy shop.
In other news, the heat has returned to us here in the tropics -- back close to 100 degrees today! Yikes! As much as I'm enjoying the lazy pace of summer, I think I'm ready for winter, or at least fall.
With fall in mind, I've got back-to-school on the brain: back to school kits are coming soon! I'll post some sneak peeks on the blog soon, so stay tuned.
Hope you are staying cool today!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cupcakes and more!

I finished the cupcake journal today and got it into the etsy shop. The fabulous vintage chocolate label paper makes me long for a Hershey bar!

In other news, I'm delighted to say that my Paris journal is featured in an etsy treasury! Hooray! I'm still having technical difficulties with the screen-shot thing, but here's a link so that you can check it out:
It's a great treasury of many lovely journals. Thanks to for including me!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vintage Roses Journal

Last week I told you about my desire to start an art journal. I had a great time creating the cover for the journal, but after that I couldn't get excited about filling up the inside. Instead, all I could think about was making a new journal with a different cover. I started keeping a list of ideas, and now I have a loooooong list! So, instead of fighting it, I decided to go with the flow and start creating altered art journals.
Here is my second attempt: lots of blue and pink, wonderful vintage laces, and vintage paper ephemera! This journal, as well as the Paris journal from last week, are going in the esty shop.
Next up I think: cupcakes!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th!

I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July! We'll be spending time in the pool, trying to beat the heat, and celebrating with family. I'm feeling thankful, grateful and blessed on this 4th; but my thoughts are also with our service men and women in harm's way. Let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dreaming of France

I'm delighted to say that I'm featured in another Etsy treasury -- this one is all about French lace! See it, here:

I'm hoping to get a screen shot of it to add, but I seem to be technically-challenged this morning (Fireshot is failing me). If I can get it together, I'll add a pic soon so you can see how cute this treasury is!

Thanks to starrydeborah for including me in her treasury! You can check out her super cute shop here: She's got lots of fun French stuff (and lots of glitter - my fave!).

Also a quick thank you to VintageAnthology, who featured some of my vintage fabric on her blog. Go take a peek at her blog and see all of the fabulous vintage fabrics she's got there:

Ok, I'm off to wrestle with Fireshot.
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