Saturday, April 28, 2012

Vintage Pink Felt and Tulle Tablecloth with Bluebirds!

So, I hit the jackpot at an estate sale yesterday.  Found lots of vintage goodies for my shop and Kari's shop.  But my favorite find -- by far -- was this amazing vintage tablecloth!  It is HUGE, and I have never seen anything like it.  It is pink tulle, with a pink felt edge, and it is covered with the most incredibly detailed decorations.  On the long sides is a scene of blue birds at a bird bath, along with long branches of flowers.  The flowers have jeweled centers and stamens!

And as if that weren't enough, on the short sides of the tablecloth are scenes of the birds with their nest -- complete with blue jewels for eggs!

Maybe it's just me, but I was so excited about this tablecloth that my hands were literally shaking when I was checking out at the sale.  I was afraid someone was going to snatch it away or say "Wait! That's not really for sale!"

Anyway, here is my question for you: is there any way to safely clean this tablecloth?  As awesome as it is, is does have a lot of stains and discoloration.  I have some similar tulle/felt Christmas tablecloths, but they are in great shape and I've never had to clean them.  I'm sure this felt is wool felt (given its age and that it's been nibbled in places).

I'd love to hear from you if you have any ideas about cleaning these types of tablecloths!  Thanks in advance!


  1. Hi from a new follower!
    I just happened upon your blog today, and I love it. I really like all of your creations, and am looking forward to seeing more.

    Absolutely love that tablecloth. I have no suggestions for cleaning it, but what a treasure you have found!

  2. WOW WOW WOW!!!

    That is an AMAZING find!

    I wish I had good advice on cleaning for you, there must be an expert on the Web somewhere. Would love to see what the cloth looks like when spread on the table.

  3. hi alison!

    what a find! knowing me, i would wash it on gentle, air dry, cross my fingers ...

    happy november!


  4. I have been a quilter for quite some time and love old fabrics.
    The best advice you could get from a curator at a museum that cares for old fashion.
    ALso you could look for someone who specializes in restauration of old Quilts.
    To clean such a treasure will be a big risk you will take. No matter how gently you go ahead you will have to consider that it will fall apart. The flower stems could contain wire and thus rust.
    Good Luck and maybe just enjoy as is.

  5. Are the stains really noticeable? I would enjoy it just the way it is! What an awesome find, and I know exactly what you mean about being afraid that you won't get out of the sale without it :)

    I never trust them to "hold my things at the front" while I look around, either - I had a huge vintage wrought iron flower cart swooped up once while I was still looking around...I had even paid for it already :(

    Have fun with your adorable tablecloth :)


  6. Ooooh, I just realized this is an old post. The tablecloth is gorgeous and I hope you didn't clean it! lol! Hugs, Janice

  7. OMG! What a treasure of a find - this is the most wonderful tablecloth I have ever seen! I came to your Blog via your Etsy shop - just purchased some laces for a wedding sampler I am making and got your Blog link - Love it and am so happy I found you!

  8. Hi NickiLee -- thanks! I'm so glad you like the tablecloth -- I felt the same way! :) I hope you'll send me a pic of your wedding sampler when it is done! Sounds like a wonderful project!

  9. Hi. I was stopping by blogs in hopes of getting some help on a Martha Stewart Contest....I've been nominated and I was trying to get Votes to help Win...if you have time I would love to see you come by my blog, Vote and also enter in a giveaway for your support!! Your able to vote 6 times in a row daily until Sept. 13th!! I would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks so much!

  10. Hi there, found you whilst blog hopping :) What a fantastic find! I'd probably soak it ina very cool water with some gentle wool washing liquid, and then just air dry flat. Good luck!


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