Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Little Absence

I knew this day might come, and indeed, it has arrived.  Today the workers will come to move me out of my office to start working on the floors.  The scope of this house-repair job has grown and grown like the Blob!  It's frankly a bit hard to believe that this much damage and chaos can result from one water leak.

As of this morning, I will be without access to my computer hard drive.  I'm going to try to figure out how to blog (with pictures) using my Iphone, but that may be beyond my limited technical capabilities.  :)  I will try to keep in touch as best I can, but I will soon be back with pictures of the remodel!  Hope you'll come back then!

Friday, August 6, 2010

And so It Begins....

Well, we're still wrangling with our insurance company, living in a partially demolished house, and no construction is yet underway.  We've also been told that we'll have to MOVE OUT for several weeks while all of the hardwood floors are ripped out and replaced.  Urghhhhh!

The good news is that the plumbing fixtures that I purchased online arrived yesterday.  I'm kinda excited about them!  Here's the faucet I chose for the bathroom:

It's not the Restoration Hardware faucet that I was drooling over, but it looks about the same and was a lot (LOT) less expensive.  In the laundry room I'm replacing the old utility sink that I had with a large stainless steel sink that is quite basic, but big enough to soak lots and lots of vintage linens.  I chose a kitchen faucet from the same line as the bathroom faucets to use in my laundry room:

The handles on this faucet come with these cute porcelain inserts that say "hot" and "cold":

but the super-cool part is that they come with replacement inserts in French! (Please excuse the blurry photo.)

It's the little details that are making me smile right now.  One last building detail: I picked out the tile for the bathroom floor:

It's a honed marble hexagon tile.  I think it's going to give the bathroom that vintage-European-hotel look that I'm after.  Here's what my bathroom used to look like, right before the demo started:

I think it will be fun to see the transformation.

So, that's my home improvement update for today!  In other news, I've been busy adding lots of antique laces to the shop, as well as supplies for Halloween and Christmas crafting.  So, stop by if you haven't shopped in a while!
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