Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sheet Music Heart

I fell into a stash of old sheet music this week (long story). I was thrilled, because I've been searching for weeks for old sheet music to use for projects. Here is my first try. I'm pretty happy with the results.

And if you're wondering, "Will she ever tire of heart-shaped crafts?" The answer is, "No, she won't."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Valentine's Craftiness

I decided that the girls needed Valentine's door decorations, so I got to work. I love the way that Clara's came out, primarily because of the cupcakes. (You can never have enough cupcakes!) Chloe had some input into hers, and she wanted "brighter colors," so hers is, well, a lot more colorful than Clara's. But I like it, too.
I love these large tags that I cut out using my Cricut (they're 10 inches high!). I think they could be useful in all sorts of projects and made out of all sorts of fabulous paper. Anyway, every time I use it I'm glad I got up at 4am to brave the mass of humanity at Walmart to get my cricut at a bargain price on Black Friday. Hooray me!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Valentine's Banner

I finished a Valentine's Day banner tonight, and was pretty excited about the results! I bought the base -- the pink and red glittered hearts banner -- at Garden Ridge. I added heart-shaped doilies, and paper and embellishments from my scrapbooking stash. I think it is tres cute! Quick, easy, cheap, pink and glittery: all of my favorites! (And there are even cupcakes on the paper hearts!) Go run out and buy some doilies and make one for yourself!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The joy of junking

I haven't been junking in a long time, so today I took some time to go do my loop of the thrift stores. What a great day! Vintage hankies, vintage hand towels, an antique tatted baby bonnet, and a huge rose chenille beadspread!! I also found two plates of Kari's impossible to find china. So, it was a super day: lots of fun and lots of great finds for the business.

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