Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tag Banner: Tag #5

Happy Tuesday!  Sorry for the long break between tag posts -- summer is coming to a quick end around here and we are scurrying around, trying to get ready for back-to-school.  Here is tag #5 -- it's a bit more simple than some of the others.  I used scraps of one of my favorite vintage organza trims, along with a bit of vintage lace and a large chipboard rose.  I added some sparkle with Stickles. 

I had planned to do 7 tags, but now I'm wondering if 5 is enough for the banner, given that I'm hanging it in a bookshelf (a pretty small space).....   I've also started working on another tag banner that is a gift, so no pics for now.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy what is left of your summer!  Happy creating!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tag Banner: Tag #4

My tag banner is still coming along, slowly but surely! Here is tag #4 -- this one is currently my favorite.  I just love the charming chipboard and of course the tatting. 

I hope you're having a great Monday!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tag Banner: Tag #3

Here's tag #3!  My favorite things about this tag are the small doily that I used as a background, and the tiny sewing pattern piece of chipboard.  I love the wonderful graphics on old sewing patterns, but because of their size, I have a hard time figuring out what to do with them.  Maybe I could reduce them on a color copier?  Hmmmm....  Anyone tried that?

By the way, if you're looking for some darling old sewing patterns, Kari has a nice selection in her Etsy shop!

Well, that's all for now -- off to work on tag #4!

(Hope you're staying cool.  It's going to be 102 degrees today.)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tag Banner: Tag #2

Here's tag #2.  This one is a bit more simple than tag #1, but I have to tell ya, I'm in love with these chipboard doilies.  So cute! I wish I had a box full. 

 See you tomorrow for tag #3!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tag Banner: Tag #1

I'm in the process of creating a small banner for my office.  I've made various banners before (usually for holidays) but before I've always used chipboard as a base.  This time, I decided to use layered cardstock in a tag shape.  I'm planning to make 7 tags for the banner, but the neat thing about this approach (IMHO) is that you can add/subtract tags to/from the banner whenever you want.  So, we'll see how it looks when I get seven tags done -- maybe I'll be done, and maybe not!

I'll be posting each tag as I finish it. Today is tag #1.  For all of these tags, I glued together 3 layers of cardstock (which ends up being a nice sturdy base).  On this tag, I wanted to use one of my stitched dresses, so it was the main focus, and I embellished around it.  I'm trying to use some of my "good stuff" that has been sitting around, so these tags will have some very nice lace and trims.

Check back tomorrow for tag #2! 

Finally, this is off-topic, but I can't believe it's already August!  How is that possible??  I need another couple of months of summer....
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