Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vintage Baby Cards

Welcome to my new obsession: vintage baby cards!  I'm in love with the sweet designs, soft colors, and charming details:

So darling! These cards have embossing, fold out details, and some of them are flocked!

 I'm keeping some of these for my own stash, because I can't bear to part with all of them, but the rest will be appearing soon in my Etsy shop.  I think these are wonderful to use as intended, or to use for papercrafting.  I'm already planning to use that rattle (above) as inspiration for a square on my current stitching project. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Paper Sneak Peeks

Rather than wallow in the misery of demolition at my house, I'm choosing to distract myself by looking forward to all of the new paper collection releases coming out next week in conjunction with the CHA Convention.  This is a sneak peek of one of October Afternoon's new collections: "Modern Homemaker."
I am really digging this line -- love the polka dots and the flowers, and that she's wearing an apron.  Can't wait to see the rest; I think I'm going to need all of it!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


So, remember just a few days ago when I was making progress in my scrapbooking, and summer was humming along in a nice, unstructured way that I love so much?  Ah, the simpler days!

Here's what the last few days have brought at our house:

A leak in the wall between my laundry room and hall bathroom -- a leak that we didn't know existed -- warped the 50-year old original wood floors in my hallway and master bath, and caused so much damage that we had to gut the master bedroom, long hallway, hall bath, and laundry room down to the subfloor and the studs.

Then everything was sprayed with bleach, and the following day painted with Kilz.  (Sadly, I'm very familiar with this process, since our first house was completely destroyed by flood during tropical storm Allison, back in 2001.)  Here's what the destruction looks like after the Kilz:

You know what they say about best-laid plans and all of that.  Suddenly we are faced with rebuilding almost half of the house -- and we don't yet know if insurance will cover any of it.  Good times!

But the truth is, we've been through much worse!  This doesn't compare with spending the night in the attic, with an eleven-month old infant, as the flood waters rose around us.  Not even close!  After something like that, this just seems like an annoyance.  But still, I admit it is not how I planned to spend my summer, nor is it something we planned for financially.  But does anyone really plan for a calamity?

On the bright side ('cause there's gotta be one), I get a new laundry room and a new bathroom.  Here's what I'm dreaming of:

(Laundry room pics from Hardhat & Heels; bathroom designed by Nate Berkus -- I do love me some Nate!)

So a new journey begins, one filled with insurance adjusters, contractors, and tile selections. (The tile part may actually be fun.)  I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Is it too early for Halloween?  The over-100 degree temperatures here have me longing for pumpkins and cooler weather!  So, early or not, I opened the Halloween crafting shop in my Etsy shop, and I've been filling it up with treasures.  Just today I got in these fabulous flowers in orange and black.  Inspires me for some spooky crafting!

Hope you're having a lovely summer day, and that it's cool where you are!  :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Long ago, when I had spent hours and hours scrapbooking and had, amazingly, "caught up," I vowed that I would never again let myself get that far behind.


Flash forward to today, where I find myself over a year behind.  Sheesh!  Life, the Etsy store, the kids, and a million other creative projects have all conspired to get in the way of my scrapbooking. 

I decided that I could no longer let it go, so a couple of weeks ago I finally took the bull by the horns. I dragged out all of the stuff and got to work.  I'm still over a year behind, but at least I've made a little progress. 

And, just to keep myself motivated, I've pre-ordered this fabulous new Alice in Wonderland Halloween collection from Graphic 45:

It never hurts to have new paper on the way!  :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Petite Paris Box Swap: Part Deux

I wanted to share with you the lovely boxes I received from my swap partners! 

Catherine sent this -- truly a little work of art, filled with all sorts of delightful treasures:

To see more of Catherine's work and wonderful style, check out her blog, My View.

Linda sent me this wonderful, fabric-covered jewel of a box, again filled with wonderful surprises (some of which I had already removed before I took the pictures):

Linda has an eBay store, Fancy Linda,  full of all sorts of fun things -- check it out here.

Thanks so my partners for such a fun swap!  I can't wait to create with all these lovely supplies!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Let Freedom Ring!

Wishing you a fun and festive Fourth!  (How's that for alliteration?!)
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