Today Kari and I took our semi-annual trip to shop in the fields of Warrenton, Texas during the kick off of the huge antiques fair in Round Top and the surrounding cities. It was a pretty day, but hot (HOT!). We got to see lots of neat things, and came home with a few treasures.
I have a real weakness for antique lace and trims. I loved this assortment, all tied with light pink tulle bows:
This next pic shows the huge variety of things available in Warrenton.
This egg won our contest for strangest item of the day. It must have been a promotional product for a museum exhibit. You can see how huge it is; it glittered and had jewels on it just like a Faberge egg! If it would've fit in the car, I might have brought it home!

This is how we looked half-way through the day. Hat hair, and very sweaty! But having fun!

We spent a lot of our morning looking through these bins for neat vintage playing cards, flash cards and other cute items to use on scrapbooking pages:

But by far the best stuff we saw today (and the cutest displays) were Christmas items. I loved it all, but the glittery pastel houses and tiny Christmas trees!! Wow.